Official Versse Culture
Supplemental Readings: New York Times+ Dossier
originbally compiled for a 2009 Penn graduate seminar "Poetry and Ideology: The Aesthetics of Resistance and Complicity"

flashback: Vendler on America: A Prophecy (1973) & Rothenberg letter
Rothenberg, "Harold Bloom: The Critic as Exterminating Angel” (from his Poetics & Polemics: 1980-2005)

T. S. Eliot:
After Strange Gods: A Primer of Modern Heresy (1934) and The Idea of a Christian Society (1939)
Anthony Julius, "Reflections on T. S. Eliot, Anti-Semitism, and Literary Form" (1998)

Denis Donogue on H.D.

Denis Donoghue on Ashbery's Shadow Train.

Dennis Dongue on "the slander" of Eliot on account of "the animus against Christianity is rampant and vicious in our profession." in "A Response to Ronald Schuchard." Modernism/modernity 10, no. 1 (2003): 37-39. doi:10.1353/mod.2003.0008.

William  Logan on Michael Palmer May_28,_1989 (frequent and key Times poetry reviewer): Leslie Scalapino letter

William H. Pritchard on Library of America anthology of American Poetry April 2, 2000

Charles McGrath (Book Review ed.) on Robert Lowell June 15, 2003

David Orr (Times poetry consultant) on Elizabeth_Bishop, April 2, 2006

Logan on Oxford Book of American Poetry [in which he is not included] April_16, 2006

Logan on Hart Crane (January 28, 2007)

Douglas Messerli's commentary on above


Don Paterson, Introduction to New British Poetry, ed. with Charles Simic (Graywolf Press, 2004)

The New Yorker appoints Paul Muldoon poetry editor (news story, Sept. 20, 2007)

Stephen Burt -- Ellipitcal Poetry

Clayton Eshleman, The Gospel According to Norton

Brian Henry's commentary on Logan at Verse.

Charles Bernstein and Frank Bidart: Fulcrum Debate, 2008

Dan Chiasson on Rae Armantrout in the New Yorker, May 2010

Simic on Armantrout in The New York Review of Books, June 2010

Robbins on Ashbery, London Review of Books, Sept. 2010

"What Do Poet Laureates Do," 2012: LOC

"Gertude and Alice's in Vichyland"



New York Review of Books
JUNE 12, 2008 ISSUE
Helen Vendler

Sea Change
by Jorie Graham
Ecco, 56 pp.

And Graham, unlike such Language Poets as Charles Bernstein and Susan Howe
(whose moment seems to have expired), always rewardingly makes sense, whatever
her acrobatics.




Rothenberg ....   selections from his essay book: "The Anthology as a Manifesto," Bloom essay, "Sectret Location" and The Samizdat interview.


Jed Rasula’s American Poetry Wax Museum