She was like well it's got new technology. What does that mean? That gay. This is pretty good, really. Mundane lox. Not great lox but it. Oh they're just the reg, oh, you know, they're like the, you know, pre-packaged. It's not great lox. It was fine. Sure. It it it did what I wanted it to do. Can we get another cup of coffee and a check please? Thanks. It was very funny when Kathy said to you do you have that book The Unredeemed Captive? I was giving you shit about that the other day. I said Cher you're never gonna read this book. Oh yes I will. And Cheryl, it's been sitting there for a year and you haven't touched it. You read five books in between you're never gonna read that. Oh, I'm gonna read it. My sister gave it to me. Oh, please. It was very funny when Kathy had these two academic friends of hers come to your show, uh, opening and they were the two, like, people, like, who doesn't fit in here? Like these really bland, you know, academics. Sort of Plain Jane. It was so funny because everybody else at your opening was so fashionable. They looked so good. And here's Mr. and Mrs. kind of like hi. It's academia. Look at Marjorie. She's a brute. Oh, thank you. Oh, yeah. She was just just no style, I mean, she's totally styleless. She's a trip, man. Well, I was really like I was like said said I was pleasant. That other guy that other guy showed up at lunch. Fact is she was so hyper I never got to do any real serious talking with her. Yeah. Yeah. And then she gives this paper. No, we gonna have to wait till we get up to the Y. It was it's then she gives this paper that was, you know, staggeringly deep. I got parts of it on tape, no, it I mean it was just so good thanks. Um, you know, really I mean remarkable I mean it was a mind blowing paper and and yet, you know, she's like all she wants to do is gossip about. So there'll be some FMUers at this today. Yep. Probably a good amount of FMUers. At some level, sure. Don't you? Yeah. I think on some level, uh, definitely. I like Janet a lot. She doesn't pull any of the academic shit on me, you know? That Bruce bummed out on and Andrea bums out on. She doesn't pull any of this, uh, twenty dollar words Bruce and Andrea seem to. Sir? Thanks. Uh, how so? Yeah. Kathy is like. Kathy will will flaunt strong opinions all the time. I've never heard her, kind of, cut David off or silence any of David's ideas. She's never said to David, no, she'll never do that. No but their relationship is Kathy isn't amazingly, thank you very much. Kathy is like like seriously respectful of David's all of David's thought and ideas. I've never heard her even challenge him. She just listens, you know, like as if when he speaks she can learn a lot. No, it's really nice I mean they're very they're very lovely together. You know, well, you and Stefano are like yammering on about Sean and that he was saying that he kind of liked the work but and and and and that you asked did you see this article and he said yes and he said something. I caught a little bit of it, yeah. I hope you never have a figure like that. Yeah. Yeah yeah. Right. I was gonna say the same thing. You think anybody in the artworld reads? Yeah. Yeah, who cares I mean did you did you have any hopes that was that was what going to be the case with that article? I mean if if that was the case, I would I would be king and he would be shit but, uh, as it turns out I think our positions remain as they were and. Yeah, but then you could always, uh, soothe soothe yourself by by the real fact that nobody reads and, uh, that's the real truth. The truth is that it's easy, people understand it, people like and that's all. People will continue to kind of have it's own legs. Um, only the two paragraphs in the Times can people absorb and they only read the kind of first paragraph and the last paragraph. There are three paragraphs the middle one is usually skipped over the first line and the last line. They don't read. I don't know where where people read. I know in the artworld they don't read. Well, it's fully the reality. That why I kind of think that five friends of mine that read the article I'm appreciative for and the, uh, nine ninety nine nine nine nine nine nine other people will just say, oh. They told me that they read it, yeah. That was perfectly adequate, wasn't it? Yeah, that's just that's yeah, let's go get a, uh, let's go get a, uh, package of candy. So anyway, uh, you know. So I I don't know. That's just the, uh, the reality of things. I, you know, well. Oh, what did they say? My mother had a typically simpy, uh, saccharine comment about it that that alludes me at the moment. I can't ever remember it it was so unmemorable. And my father said he didn't understand the article, so. He said he under he said oh I got a little bit of it. I understood a little bit of it but he, you know, for them for them it's like they don't understand it. For them it's like, you know, OK it's like somebody is paying a little bit of attention to what our son's doing and that's that's that's the gist of it, uh, you know, like they didn't understand your talk at the Modern at all. Not not like one bit of it. Now that's not, you know, they're just but it's not their fault. So they can get kind of, you know, um, Joseph Campbell sort of lectures on, you know, simpy sort of simpy lectures on, you know, subjects that makes them feel good about themselves. Yeah, no but its... Yeah, well, they're they're they're not they're no they'll go to they're not gonna take college courses but listen anyway I don't want to get stuck here. Um, the, at any rate, you know, they don't understand I mean it's. It's a di, listen, the dialog of contemporary art has alluded most people and it's not. Yeah, well it's true, I mean, it really is and even Marjorie I was talking to Liz Kotz about Marjorie Perloff. Here's a woman who's really on the cutting edge of literature but she's she's not up on contemporary art criticism. You know, she's not follow the dialogue and it's such a minutiae and introverted and and sort of small dialogue that's important to a lot of people nonetheless but, you know, you really have to be up on it and just to sort of have sort of gotten through Pop Art I think it's like, you know, Pop Art threw people, Ab Ex threw people and certainly once you get into Conceptualism, that's it. You know? And then that's that's already 30 years old so your you know when to somebody for somebody like my parents to simply jump into the stream, you know, right now it's none of it makes any sense to them. And, uh, so, you know, I can't expect any big big, uh, comments from them about it. Yeah, if you're a thoughtful person, you know, you can. Let's get these. I'm liking these now. You want these? Uh, no. Were you gonna give me a bag for this. You were you were reaching for you were reaching for, you know, you get a bag with everything these days and I figure this will be the first time I was gonna get a bag for my Tic Tacs. You were reaching for the matches, thanks. No, it was such a fascinating dream. I'm so glad you shared that with me. Hello, Cheryl come on. What did you see with my mother. Oh god, that's extreme. Yeah, a little bit a little bit of drool. He's a thinking man. Yeah he's he's old old fashioned in that way. There was a time when you didn't have to be educated but if you had a sense, if you had your head on your shoulders you were taught in school well that you could basically extract the idea from something even if it was unusual to you which is something I think that we really live by. You know, we're not experts in everything and certainly look at you, you come to music you haven't read books on music but you can look at it and figure it out and talk about it, you know, I think it's, you know, people, I think, used to have that idea before we were spoon fed everything and told we have to be experts in everything as well, you know, you could you would just be like yeah, you could figure some things out for yourself and and, you know, sort of some kind of self empowerment in that way. I think your Dad's very much like that. You're mother's not. You're mother wants to be told, you know, she feel inadequate cause she's not an expert, you know, it's all sorts of neurotic psychosis mixed up in there. But your father, no. He's a man who was trained to think and believe in what he felt. He's a sensitive guy, your Dad. It's unusual today. Well I I I really think that T.V. is responsible for that. T.V. has become the surrogate parent. Parents don't have to educate the children. T.V. educates them and the T.V. tells you how to think and what to think so that there is, you know, no more thinking for yourself and, you know, we've talked about it so much after you see a Presidential speech on T.V., uh, the minute after it's over they tell you what was said and what to think, the analysis. To be creative. Definitely I definitely. I think, you know, on the other hand like if you're crafty the kid's crafty and curious and has that suss, like this guy could go home on the Net and go to Altavista and type in Intrepid, you know, plus battleship and probably come up with a load of information, go oh wow, you know, a picture of it maybe, you know, eventually this type of thing if he's given the curiosity the that information can be great. It's not information's not evil it's just that we're not taught to think for ourselves anymore. That's the problem. And we can also say, oh, intrepid. You know what the word intrepid means? You know, you start talking about, oh yeah, it means fear. Why would they name a battleship fear? Look at the little, uh, you know, obviously Cheryl on some level you or I got that. I don't know, we don't know where but, uh, you know, yeah, cause, it's uh. Yeah, or what are battleships for or or do you think that they're even necessary and now we've got like satellites and we can, you know, we got planes. Why would they need battleships? I mean there's so much to talk about but she just shut the fucking kid right down. Look at this suit, ouch. Do is act out. And saying how hot it is in here. Yeah yeah just just get his mind off the goddamned heat in the restaurant. And then he starts talking about, you know, like Max. You take his take his mind off the duck and you put it on the elephant, you know, just hey parent get a little control you shift his damn mind over and he'll stop he'll he'll, you know, get into this whole fantasy about battleships. He can take his goddamned pickle and pretend it's the Intrepid. You put a toothpick in it and say it's a sail, you know, I mean, let's go already. Meanwhile Dad is just shut down. Jun Junoir is like wrecking the place and bitching and moaning and the mother is just just got her full of it. It's insane. Right. Yeah. Yeah yeah that was really, that was really idiotic. Totally not they'll grow grow up to hate us as well. So my parents, you know, my parents are just, you know, they're just lazy. They are neu neurotic and neurotic. So when they look at something like that article, it's just conventional, you know? Oh, someone's paying attention to our son. So, I don't understand this but t's nice that someone's paying attention to our son. And that gets back to the thing with Sean and Stefano, 99% of the people are gonna say, oh yeah, someone's paying attention to Sean. I wish I had that attention or someone is look at Kenny, he's got a write up, oh yeah. I want one. This shit doesn't make any difference. The only difference it makes is a is a three paragraph review in the New York Times that people don't read either. It's a drag. People don't read. People do not read. Where, you know, with T.V. now and computer, who reads books, really? You know besides John LeCarre? Who really reads? I I, you know, I know Barnes and Noble is booming but I have a feeling that the, uh, you know, the good works are not exactly jumping off the shelves there, well I know it. Image world babe, isn't it? You you you make your bed I don't know why an artist would want to work at a gallery, I mean, that's that's his karma. Seriously. Where which is one one two blocks up this way. It'll probably start a few minutes late. Yeah, if it were up to you we'd be hanging in the Banana Republic and we'd be stuck in a traffic jam across the park right now, Cheryl. I know, you get carried away and... Well, you got three hundred dollars. I don't understand why you're drooling over everything when you've got a three hundred dollar account at your favorite place in the universe. Yeah, well look at Aunt Judy. So, OK? Let's spend 6000. We have 6000 in the bank. Let's spend it all on... Bobbie's saying he wore those shoes to India. I never I never couldn't believe she cared so much about my shoes. I I never thought anybody could even give a shit what shoes I was wearing they're. It's very funny. Oh, everybody's hanging out outside. Nobody wants go and sit in for six hours of difficult music. But we're gonna do it. Oh, I don't, aw, listen. The Berio was so long. That must have been a four hour show in the freezing cold. OK, so let's use the facilities. Bruchay. Bruce. Sorry. Hey babe. Cheryl, why here's your ticket. Why I guess I got to use the men's room. Hey Bruce, hi. How you doing? Fine, how you doing? Where where is the, uh, bathrooms here for the, uh, for us. Alright. Let's find them. Yeah, it is. There to the left. Yeah, so we just got to wait to go in. Here we go. Here why don't you... hey Bruce. Cher. Why don't you guys both go I'll grab the seats and and, uh... it's alright? Bruce, this way. Sally's not coming? I didn't know that. I didn't know that. I don't know, Bruce. Oh boy. Really? We shall see? I wonder if this is going to be a long show? Something tells me it will be. Um, we gotta get programs, yeah, I want to get a program. At the Berio thing here, the Sequenzas ran about 4 hours. Including including the lecture, yeah. Oh, it was, oh, eternal. Uh, it was at night. Oh, it went till like midnight. It was it was it was insanely long.