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Jim Brodey

Segue Series reading at the Ear Inn, March 1, 1986

Complete reading (37:06): MP3

Reading late poems at Re Cher Chez, with introduction by Susan Cataldo, St. Mark’s Place, New York, March 30, 1984

Includes Elmore James 3, William Carlos Williams 4, Valery Larbaud 17, Tony Towle 4, Robert Fripp 5, Alice Notley, Gary Hull, Margot Howard-Howard, Jack Kerouac 4, Johann Sebastian Bach, Larry Young, Malcolm X, Charles Bernstein, The Gun Club, Kathy Foley, and Jim Brodey (“whosoever lives by the poem.”)

Complete recording (32:40): MP3

Courtesy of Simon Pettet

Reading for the Droll/Kolbert Gallery Series, December 20, 1979

  • Complete reading (22:38): MP3

Recording as a part of the World Record, readings at St. Mark's Poetry Project, 1969-80

The World Record (volumes 1 & 2, 1981) was produced from the tape archive of live performances of poets and writers at the Poetry Project.

Homeward Bound, recorded April 4, 1979 (0:55): MP3

Appearing on Public Access Poetry with Rochelle Kraut, Barbara Barg, Bob Holman, Daniel Krakauer, Steve Levine, Greg Masters, Alice Notley, Simon Pettet, Michael Scholnick, Jeff Wright, and Gary Lenhart, July 27, 1978

Reading “Breathlehem” with jazz improvisation at the Free Association, New York, April 15, 1978

Complete reading (48:55): MP3

Courtesy of Simon Pettet

Appearing on Public Access Poetry with Michael Brownstein, November 24, 1977

Appearing on Public Access Poetry with Simon Schuchat and Karen Edwards, April 20, 1977

Jim Brodey on PennSound Daily:

Reading at St. Mark's Poetry Project, May 27, 1992

  • Complete recording (3:17): MP3

These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only. All rights to this recorded material belong to the Jim Broedey. Used with permission of the authors. Distributed by PennSound.