"All You Need to Know About Writing"

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

  1. introduction to the program (1:10)
  2. introducing the panelists (3:21)
  3. brief biographies of the panelists (29:15)
  4. how to get published (10:52)
  5. the implications of copyright on the web (2:34)
  6. how to pick the venue for getting published (2:24)
  7. about on-demand publishing (3:19)
  8. on marketability of the author vs. marketability of the book (4:06)
  9. what makes a book worth writing (6:31)
  10. on mass-media and audiences for poetry (9:09)
  11. how to discipline oneself for writing (6:54)

To hear a recording of the entire program in mp3 format, click here.