These books by Charles Bernstein are available for free download

Artifice of Absorption (Philadelphia: Paper Air, 1987) [EPC Digital Edition of A Poetics version]

(New York: Asylums Press, 1975) [link is to Eclipse Digital Edn and to Text-Works edn of tilte poem aligned to source text]

Dark City (Sun & Moon, 1994) (pdf of complete book) *

Disfrutes (Boston: Potes and Poets Press, 1981; ms 1974) [EPC Digital Edition]

Echologs, with Richard Tuttle. after Virgil, 2020

Log Rhythms, with Susan Bee (Granary Books, 1998): pdf *

The Nude Formalism [pdf], with pictures by Susan Bee (Sun & Moon, 1989): recommended to view pdf with facing pages (2-up).

The Occurrence Of Tune (Eclipse) *

Parsing (New York: Asylum’s Press, 1976) [link is to Eclipse Digital Edn]

Poetic Justice [1975-77] (Baltimore: Pod Books, 1979) [link is to Eclipse Digital Edn]

Resistance (Windsor, VT: Awede Press, 1983) [EPC Digital edn]

Rough Trades (Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1991) [link to EPC Digital Edn]

Senses of Responsibility (Berkeley: Tuumba Press, 1979; rpt. Providence: Paradigm Press, 1989) [Eclipse Digital Edition]

Shade (College Park, MD: Sun & Moon Press, 1978) [link to Eclipse Digital Edn]

(Madison, WI: Xexoxial Editions, 1987; ms 1976) [EPC digital edn]; also pdf of Xexoxial Edition and Scrbd edn

-- [Editor] 43 Poets (1984), special issue of boundary 2: pdf of full issue
-- [Editor] "Language Sampler" in Paris Review 1982: single pdf scan of issue.
-- [Co-Editor] L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E (1978-1981) (Eclipse)
-- [Co-Editor] L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Distributing Service catalog (c. 1978)
--[Editor] "L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Lines" in The Line in Postmodern Poetry, ed. Frank/Sayre (Urbana: University of Illinois, 1988)