Lee Ann Brown

Born in Japan, Lee Ann Brown is a filmmaker, performer, and writer who has lived in Charlotte, North Carolina, Providence, Rhode Island, The Bay Area, New York City, and Boulder, Colorado. She is currently on the faculty of the Naropa Institute's Writing and Poetics Program in Boulder, Colorado. She is also founder and editor of Tender Buttons Press (http://www.tenderbuttons.net/)


Polyverse (Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1999)


Sustain Petal (New York: BOOG Literature, 1999)
Velocity City (Elmwood, CT: Potes & Poets Press, 1994)
Crush (Buffalo: Leave Books, 1993)
I like the use of emes, with Liz Fodaski and Ted Pearson (Providence, RI: Tender Buttons Press, 1993)
A Museme (New York: BOOG Literature, 1993)
Poems (Santa Cruz, CA: We Press, 1993)
Sappho Poems, with Jennifer Moxley (Providence, RI: Big Weeds, 1992)
Cultivate (New York: Tender Buttons Press, 1991)