Bob Cobbing

- Bob Cobbing and Jennifer Pike, mid-1960s
The Sound of Writers Forum, 2010
Directed and filmed by Steve Willey First screened at Off The Shelf, Slade/UCL, March 22, 2010 List of poets interviewed in order of appearance: John Rowan, Paula Claire, Adrian Clarke, Robert Sheppard, Peter Finch, Lawrence Upton, Robert Hampson, Sean Bonney, Scott Thurston, Mark Jackson, Mike Weller
Watch on Media.sas
PoemTalk #72, discussing Bob Cobbing's "Portrait of Robin Crozier", October 14, 2013
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes for the episode at Jacket2.
Complete Recording (58:52): MP3
Featuring Maggie O'Sullivan, cris cheek, Marvin Sackner,
Charles Bernstein, and Matthew Abess, at the Kelly Writers House, October 11, 2007

- (L-R) cris cheek, Matthew Abess, Dr. Marvin Sackner, Maggie O'Sullivan and Charles Bernstein (photo courtesy of Derek Love)
Performances in Honor of Bob Cobbing
A Roundtable Discussion of the Life and Work of Bob Cobbing
- featuring:
- Charles Bernstein: MP3 (2:03)
- Marvin Sackner: mp3 (14:37)
- Maggie O'Sullivan: mp3 (13:16)
- Matthew Abess: mp3(7:03)
- cris cheek: mp3 (12:00)
Bob Perelman and Ron Silliman on Bob Cobbing (interviewed by
Al Filreis after the tribute) complete recording (7:13): MP3
Bob Cobbing: Recordings 1968-2005
Text-Sound-Compositions - A S (2005)
- Whississippi (8:04): MP3
- AsEasy (7:14): MP3
The Italian Job (1988)
(Voices: Bob Cobbing and Peter Finch)
- E Colony (6:17): MP3
- From A Processual Double Octave, Text-sound-compositions 1 (Sveriges/Fylkingen) (11:20): MP3
Birdyak, Green Computer (1988)
(Voices: Bob Cobbing and Hugh Metcalfe)
- Sod and Sos (1:26): MP3
- Computer Poem 6 (1:24): MP3
- Portrait of Robin Crozier (1:32): MP3 (also featured on PoemTalk Episode 72)
- Green Computer (2:45): MP3
- Yak Poem (1:31): MP3
Birdyak, Aberration (1988)
(Voices: Bob Cobbing and Hugh Metcalfe)
- Finn Ships (1:52): MP3
- Kwatz (3:25): MP3
- (computer poem) (2:18): MP3
- KEWYAMXOOKA YAMXAPOOKA (I paint his face) (2:58): MP3
- Worm (5:05): MP3
- Destruction in Art (Glasgow) (5:41): MP3
- Destruction in Art (Aberystwyth) (4:37): MP3
- Aber (6:29): MP3
- Make Perhaps This Out Sense of Can You (4:07): MP3
- Alphabet of Fishes (1:53): MP3
- A Daze of All My Daze (2:04): MP3
- The Sacred Mushroom (4:01): MP3
Oral Complex at the L.M.C. (1983) (Writers Forum Cassette No. 4)
(Voices: Bob Cobbing, Clive Fencott, John Whiting)
- Trigram (9:08): MP3
- Blotting Music (7:33): MP3
Various Throats: Volume One No. 11 of the Underwhich Audiographic Series (1982)
(Voices: Bob Cobbing, Keith Musgrove, Steven Smith)
- Fugitive Poem (3:43): MP3
- Quatz (5:53): MP3
- Ouph/Voicings No. 5 (4:11): MP3
- Duplicator Print (6:55): MP3
Fylkingen Text Sound Festival (1975)
- Portrait of Robin Crozier (5:02): MP3 (also featured on PoemTalk Episode 72)
- Hymn to the sacred mushroom (5:19): MP3
- 15 Shakespeare-Kaku, a collaboration with Lawrence Casserley (8:57): MP3
Experiments in Disintergrating Language, Konkrete Canticle (1971)
(Voices: Bob Cobbing, Paula Claire, Michael Chant)
- Ga(il s)o(ng) (3:19): MP3
- Suesequence (4:15): MP3
- A sandwich poem, consisting of Poem for Voice and the Mandoline and Poem for Gillian (3:23): MP3
- Hymn to the sacred mushroom (5:13): MP3
Phonetische Poesie (1971)
- From ABC in Sound (d - p - t) (1971) (2:43): MP3
Concrete Poetry (1970)
- Variations on a Theme of Tan (1970) (6:54): MP3
Slowly Slowly The Tongue Unrolls / Computer Poem (Paris, 1968)
Recorded on audiocassette. Featured in the Joris and Peyrafitte tape collection.
(Voices: Bob Cobbing and François DuFrêne)
- Slowly Slowly The Tongue Unrolls (5:31): MP3
- Computer Poem (3:36): MP3
Jackson Mac Low, Bob Cobbing, and Tom Leonard Reading at the Sound & Syntax International Festival of Sound Poetry, 1978
Watch on Media.sas
Miscellaneous Recordings
Chamber Music (1968) (9:01): MP3
Marvo Movie Natter (Voices: Cobbing, A. Lockwood, Jeff Keen, etc.) (4:13): MP3
Spontaneous Appealinair Contemprate Apollinaire (Voices: Bob Cobbing and François DuFrêne) (3:12): MP3
On Radio Radio (produced by Martin Spinelli)
- Program Seven (Bob Cobbing) (45:00): MP3
- Program Sixteen (Bob Cobbing & Lawrence Upton) (45:00): MP3
For more Cobbing resources, including video, please see Bob Cobbing on UbuWeb
These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only.
© 2013 Bob Cobbing. Used with permission of the author. Distributed by PennSound.