
KWH Proposals Online

Welcome to the proposals page of the Kelly Writers House Planning Committee!

The amazing diversity of programs and events at the Kelly Writers House throughout the year is due to the involvement and input of members of the Writers House Planning Committee, or "hub" - the volunteer community of Penn students, faculty, staff, and local writers who oversee and care for the House. Each month, a small group of hub members - the "Proposals Hublet" -- meets at the Writers House to discuss and decide upon proposals that we receive for events and programs to take place here. Programming at the Writers House is truly a participatory democracy: each hub member's voice and opinions count when we decide, as a collective, how best to fill the House's calendar of events each year.

All proposals to use Writers House space for an event - a workshop, a reading, a panel discussion, a performance - are posted here for individual hub members to review and comment on. All comments are sent to a listserv comprised of members of the Proposals Hublet (and any other hub member who wishes to be on that listserv). When the proposals hublet meets each month, all comments on proposals will be taken into consideration.

Only members of the Writers House Planning Committee may view and comment on proposals to use the House. To view and comment on proposals, sign in below!

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If you're a hub member and you're interested in participating in the Proposals Hublet, email us at wh@writing.upenn.edu. To propose a program or event at the Writers House, email us at wh@writing.upenn.edu or snail mail us at

The Kelly Writers House
3805 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Attn: Proposals Hublet

To find out more about the Kelly Writers House Planning Committee, or "hub," visit us online at http://writing.upenn.edu/wh/people/hub/, drop us an email at wh@writing.upenn.edu, or stop by the Writers House any time. We'd love to have you join us!