Kelly Writers House
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Kelly Writers House Art Gallery

Paul Fabozzi
"Lines of Regression"

Paul Fabozzi
Artist's Statement

Walking around New York City with a camera in hand and hooked to a pedometer allows one to collect a lot of data. Shapes that are culled from the photos taken and numbers counted by the pedometer are the raw material of my recent paintings and drawings. As the information about every conceivable part of our waking lives from every angle mounts and the structures of organizing this data become more complex, the body retreats. This work mirrors that retreat but at the same time celebrates what, for me, is the cornerstone of being—the simple act of breathing as I move through space.

Kelly Writers House ~
3805 Locust Walk ~ Philadelphia, PA 19104 ~ 215.573.WRIT ~ Fax: 215.573.9750
Hours:Mon-Thur: 10:00 AM - 11:00 PM, Fri: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Sat: 12-11:00 PM, Sun: 6-11:00 PM